Thursday, May 31, 2007
More white vases.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Mom's hexagonal box.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We did, however, plant a lot of shrubs. And we spent a lot of time (and $) at the local nursery. We also cooked out, met some of our very nice neighbors, watched N. search for bugs with his new-found friends, and finished up a few projects. All in all, a very lovely weekend.

And now, on to the workweek!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
This girl is learning how to use her camera.
The haul.

Oh, I almost forgot...we saw Loretta Swit at the show on our way out. She has a jewelry line or something and was at the booth.
And now, I'm off to buy a lilac bush!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Where the beading magic really happens.

Yep, that's right. On my big, comfy couch. With my trusty companion, Season. I must admit I did tidy it up a bit. Usually I'm buried under pillows to create my little makeshift table to put my bead tray on. And that end table is typically piled high with beading essentials.

Mark has been working hard to get his workshop in order. I was just in the basement with N. and all I can say is, "wow." He is so organized. I wish I could be that organized. I know he wishes I could be, too. :) Now that his workshop is situated I can put in my orders.

Any holiday weekend plans? We are staying home. Other than the bead show, we have a friend in town from Seattle who is coming to visit tonight and my very dear friend Andrea from Minnesota will be in town as well. I might also get together with my mom to learn how to make granny squares.
Have a safe, relaxing holiday weekend, everyone.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
In my room.

A crocheted beaded bag with a bee on it. More on these later. I received this one as a shower gift when I was pregnant with N. His room was decorated with bumblebees. Also, a tiny bird picture I cross-stitched. For those who cross stitch, this was done on 28-count linen, stitched with one thread over one thread. Tiny! It's the only one I did with one-over-one because I thought I would go blind doing it. But the bird is very cute. It's the red winged blackbird pattern from Bent Creek. And notice the vintage French beaded flowers.

A print from The Black Apple. Also on this shelf is a bag that my friend Christina knitted for me.
Ah yes, my table. Yes, it's usually this messy. Used to be our old kitchen table. I was going to give it away when Mark had the great idea to keep it for bead work. He's so smart.
Here's a closer look at the projects on the table. My problem is that I start a project and then get excited about the thought of a new project and move on to that. The flower scissors case has been on my table for a long time. I need to start a new thread for the bead embroidery and for some reason that seems really hard. I really don't like ending and starting threads.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
A New Look.
Thanks for the well wishes - I am feeling much less itchy today after two days of taking Benadryl. I still have little red bumps here and there. I think I was making people all around me feel itchy because I was scratching so much!
This bracelet is made of sterling silver, citrine, and crystal. The little tag says, "inspire."


In other news, I had an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin I was taking for strep throat. Last week I started having a lot of itching on the soles of my feet and my palms. By Sunday it had progressed to feeling generally unwell and vaguely itchy everywhere. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling swollen and much more itchy all over. As I went to take my last Amoxicillin pill it dawned on me that that could be the problem. The doctor recommended Benadryl, so now all I want to do is sleep!
Last night I did work on my pink and brown flower bracelet a little bit. I've discovered I'm going to need four flowers rather than three.
Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Another pair of earrings.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
It was a busy day yesterday. After going to the garage sales we went to Chicago to meet our new nephew. He is so sweet. He slept in my arms the entire time I held him. Hard to believe N. was that small once. Then we met up with friends in the city to see their new place, where they hosted game night. We played Apples to Apples, Who? What? Where?, and Uno. You really need to play Apples to Apples if you haven't yet. It's hilarious.
Today we did some things around the house after picking up N. I worked on my bracelet a little bit, but didn't take a picture. We also checked on N.'s garden. He's growing tomato plants and peppers. He saw a caterpillar on one of the plants the other day and now he's obsessed with checking his garden to make sure there aren't any caterpillars in the vicinity.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I've Been Too Busy Buying Things to Bead *or* Recent Etsy Purchases
A Wee Peep from Sweet Nellie. How sweet is this? And I also really like her Pinecone Peep, Eleanor, and Nola.

A felted brooch from Dottie Angel. And I like this tote by her, too.

This pendant, which I love, from Bibbidi Baubles. She has some great pottery pendants.

Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Bling? Come out, come out wherever you are.
Our house has little bits of sparkle here and there. I thought I'd show you a few of them.

The light in our foyer with Swarovski crystals. Can you see the reflection on the ceiling?

The 1920s perfume bottle with a spray of crystals on its lid that's in our powder room.

The beaded chandelier in our master bedroom. I always wanted a chandelier in my bedroom.

And a small pillow with beaded fringe hanging in my studio. The pillow is from SaraBoo Creek, one of my favorite shops.
I hope your Thursday is full of unexpected sparkle.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Great idea!

I remembered that the launch date for Beaducation was supposed to be sometime this week (or maybe last week?). Sure enough, when I checked the site, it was up and running. Beaducation is the endeavor of artist Lisa Niven Kelly. The site allows students to take classes whenever and wherever they'd like, as long as they have access to a computer. Here's how it works: students select and purchase the class they'd like to take, get their supplies ready, view the video, print out the instructions, and they're on their way. You have one week to view the video as many times as you'd like. You'll also have the instructions you printed to help you if your project takes longer than one week. They have a great faculty as well. And, there are also some free instructional videos available on the site. I love this idea and I'm already eyeing a class or two...maybe three... I'm very interested in the upcoming class by Laura McCabe.
I took a stamped bracelet class called "Say it on Your Wrist" from Lisa at Bead & Button one year. This bracelet is the one I made in class and has a Chinese proveb stamped on it: "A book is a garden carried in your pocket." I've branched out to make bracelets with kid's names and inspiring words, along with birth dates. They make a great gift for new moms - or any moms for that matter!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Victorian Slide bracelet.

We are getting some much needed rain here this evening. N.'s chalk roads are being washed away, leaving him with a clean slate for next time. When I went to get the mail he was madly drawing some new roads as fast as he could and they were already melting away as we walked in the house.
Monday, May 14, 2007
More thrift store finds.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Saturday, May 12, 2007
I took the afternoon off work yesterday. I took a nice long nap and when I woke up, my head felt clear enough to look at beads, so I worked a little more on my pink and brown bracelet.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
On the verge of learning something new.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Welcome to the world, Sweet Pea.
In honor of Cooper, and because I do not have a photo of him, today I'm sharing a pea pod charm I made out of precious metal clay (PMC). PMC is silver particles suspended in clay that becomes nearly pure silver when fired. Then I antiqued it in liver of sulfer solution - some pretty smelly stuff! This was among the very first things I made with PMC. I made several of them because they were so cute.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I'm also waiting for Mother's Day so I can plant some flowers and bushes in front of our house. It's a general rule of thumb around here to wait until Mother's Day to plant so you know it's a pretty safe bet that there won't be any frost to kill the plants. I don't know what to plant--have no idea, really--so I'm waiting for a great idea to hit. Maybe if I take a picture of the landscaping in front of the house to the nursery they can help me. The builder provided a good amount of bushes, but I'd like to fill it in more and add some color. I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of our bushes the builder put in is a flowering bush. A little sparse this year, but flowering nonetheless.

So now I guess I'll go back to waiting. Somewhat patiently.
Monday, May 7, 2007
A bit of this and a touch of that.
And I got my tray set up for my next project. I decided to use the flower pattern from the LWP to make a bracelet in pinks and browns.
Ginny from iSew tagged me to list some random facts about myself. I'm supposed to tag 7 more people, but everyone I know in blogland has already been tagged. Anyway, here goes:
1. Malt-O-Meal is my all-time favorite thing to eat for dinner (I don't cook for breakfast). Unfortunately, I'm the only one in my house who feels that way.
2. I seem to have the motto: if one is good, three (or more) is better. It's terrible. Why do you think I have so many ring baskets?
3. One of my favorite childhood memories is of playing hopscotch with my mom while my two brothers were napping.
4. I'm terrified of spiders. I try really hard not to be, but I am.
5. After taking a walk during a camping trip, I had so many ticks on my jeans that it looked like the bottom of my jeans were brown. And that is the source of my other terror: ticks.
6. I like reptiles. I liked catching snakes as a kid. Mark and I used to have an iguana named Xavier.
7. I have a recurring nightmare that I have to make a phone call and no matter how hard I try, I cannot dial the correct number. What does that mean, I wonder?
8. I can sew, but choose not to. Sometimes I think I should sew something, but then I think I'd rather buy something someone else has sewn.
9. I love teaching N. to read. Curling up with him to read and watching his excitement when he gets a word right is the best. The best.
10. Speaking of teaching, I have two younger brothers that I tortured by making them play school in the summer. I didn't let them go outside until they completed the worksheets I made up for them. They were such difficult students that I think that's why I'm not a teacher today. :)
11. I can watch A Christmas Story over and over and over and over...
12. As a kid I had a pen pal who was only two towns away from me. This blog sort of makes me feel like I have pen pals.
13. I did not read the directions for this tagging exercise very well. I was supposed to list 7 random facts. Oops.
N. drew me a flower on the driveway. He's the best.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
A tisket, a tasket, another beaded basket...
Here's another variation. In this one I increased the size by quite a lot. It's 2-3/4" in diameter and stands about 1-3/4" high. In comparison, the truck basket was only a little over an inch in diameter and stands about an inch high.
This one is chocolate brown and pink - one of my favorite color combinations. I added little peyote flowers along the top.

And I added three at the bottom where all three sides come together.

I think this is my favorite one. I still have plenty more to show. I was a little obsessed with these for a time and made them for several of my friends and family. Stay tuned for more!