Yesterday my friend Lisa and I went to the
International Gem and Jewelry show. Oh my Lord, was it ever
hot in there! And
humid. And
crowded. Ick. Luckily, in the wholesale section it was much cooler and less crowded. I wasn't feeling great (
UTI - I don't know what is going on with me lately, but hopefully this is the last of it!), and I think my selections for the day reflected that. Everything was very grey. Sterling silver and

Sorry about the picture quality. My camera seems to be going downhill. I'm trying to baby it along, as we are busy buying plants and things for our landscaping.
Oh, I almost forgot...we saw
Loretta Swit at the show on our way out. She has a jewelry line or something and was at the booth.
And now, I'm off to buy a lilac bush!
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