We took the train to Chicago and then hopped aboard a water taxi to take us to Navy Pier.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Navy Pier.
We took the train to Chicago and then hopped aboard a water taxi to take us to Navy Pier.
Friday, September 28, 2007
More paint.
This weekend we're (read: Mark) going to paint the office in a shade of red. N. is happy that the office won't be yellow. I think a trip to Chicago might also be order.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Mum's the word.
Thanks, everyone, for your kind thoughts about my friend Sharon. She starts radiation treatments on Monday and will do them every day for four weeks before assessing what the next step will be, which may involve chemo.
I find that when I am upset about something, planting always helps. Something about digging in the dirt is therapeutic. N. and I tore out the petunias that were in front of the house and I replaced them with mums.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Rivoli necklace.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Vintage bracelet.
This has been a sad week. My friend Sharon at work has battled breast cancer twice and found out it is back for a third time. Sharon is like everyone's mother or favorite aunt. This morning she found out it is inoperable. Treatable through radiation, but not curable. She did everything right: had mammograms, found a lump early, went through treatment, found it early the next time, had treatment, had body scans done on time, etc. It's terrifying and frustrating and saddening and horrible.
Please take a moment to send some positive thoughts to Sharon and her family.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So, let's see...what do we have here...some lucite flowers, a strand of small silver beads that I love (you can't see the detail that great in the photo, but they remind me of little flowers or pods), and a few Green Girl Studios beads.
N. and I just got back from having dinner with Mark and shopping at an enormous mall. I bought a pair of Dansko shoes online, which are great, but a little too big. I can fit my finger into the back of the shoe. I wanted to try the next size down on in a store, but the next size down didn't fit. Bummer. But, N. was happy, because on a whim I let him get a stuffed animal at Build-A-Bear Workshop. He chose a turtle that he dressed in a Cubs uniform. The turtle's name? Turtee.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Here's what I found. Some t-shirts from Sheriff Peanut, including this skull and crossbones one for N. He's very much into skeletons right now. And, in fact, he's all set for Halloween with this costume. And yes, friends and family, this is the same costume he wore last year only it didn't fit anymore, so I had to buy the next size up. I wish I had the desire to make a costume, but I just don't.

I also checked out the new Renegade Handmade store, which was very cute.
After Renegade, we went to a block party by Mark's friend Jeremy's house. N. had a blast jumping in one of the blow-up jumping things (what are those things called?). He also got a really great balloon alien by one of the best balloon artists I've ever seen. If you look closely, you can see the alien's head is a balloon within a balloon - so the alien has a helmet! I know one little boy who is going to be very upset when this balloon friend is gone.
Yesterday I finally bought N. some school clothes now that the weather is getting cooler (or not - tomorrow is supposed to be 87 in Chicago!).
And now it's Monday again. The weekend is over.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A long time ago...years now...my mom and I took a class to make a beaded mandala at NanC Meinhardt's studio. The class was good, but so freeform that it made me nervous. The instructor was also very free-spirited, without a lot of hard guidance, which I have a hard time with. Her name escapes me now and I couldn't find it anywhere on the handouts. She was quite talented.
Anyway, I like patterns. I like things to fit together. I'm not the sort who enjoys just beading along and seeing a pattern emerge. I like to draw my pattern out first. Unfortunately, just as I was starting to see a pattern emerge in my freeform mandala, I stopped working on it.
This is done in size 15 seed beads (quite small!) with decreasing peyote stitch.
The instructor's pieces were so beautiful my mom decided to buy one of hers (no, my mom's mandala isn't finished, either!). This is the piece she bought. I wish I could remember the artist's name to give her credit. This mandala is even larger than the one I was working on.
I love the flower design on the back. How did she do that freeform and have it all turn out so perfectly? I would have to sketch that out on a chart first. The hardest thing is trying to create the pattern to fill in evenly while not knowing exactly which rows you will have to decrease in.
This weekend we are heading to Chicago for the Renegade Craft Fair and Do-Division Street Fest. I'll be shopping the craft fair while Mark and N. check out the fest. Then I'll meet up with them and we'll all enjoy the nice weather and whatever fun the fest has to offer.
As my grandma used to say, toodle-loo!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Poppies and Faeries and Polymer Clay.
This is what she came up with.
Karen sketches directly on polymer clay. I also have this pendant by her, entitled "Faery Page." When I wear it, I usually get stopped by people I don't know to ask me about it and often I'm asked if it's a picture of someone I know. I don't personally know any faeries! I like how this has a sketchbook quality about it.

This piece is done in pastels on paper, I believe. I also had it framed.

Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The weekend.
It's been a nice weekend. Yesterday I met my friend Rachel in Waukesha, WI for the art fest in Cutler Park. It's a small show, but the weather was beautiful and it was fun to hang out with Rachel for the day.
I bought a few things from the art show (mostly Christmas gifts) and got this great steel flower sculpture to put in a bare area in front of our house. I bought a different sculpture from this person last year and I didn't want it to rust, so it's inside my house. This one will get all rusty, which will probably help it to stand out from the grey house and greyish cedar mulch.
We also went to an antique shop where I found these lovelies. I had the small plate in the photo (I found it at Goodwill while thrifting some time ago) and I was delighted to find these pieces. I wanted a sugar bowl with a lid. I couldn't pass up the dish with the lid. Fun finds.
I hope the weather where you are has been wonderful, too.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
There will be no stenciling in his current room. Instead, I bought a train wall decal which I have yet to find. I put it somewhere safe. Good thing, too. It's still pretty darn safe wherever it is.
With all this painting, there's been no time for beading. And today N. started first grade. That was harder on me than kindergarten. I felt like crying when I dropped him off. He looked so little and lost. And so sweet with his little backpack and new red Crocs.
He had a half day, so I picked him up after school I took him out to lunch. During lunch he told me, "First grade is the best grade ever. Way better than kindergarten." (Note to self: stop worrying!)
Afterwards we went to a bead shop. I'll show you what I bought in my next post.
Monday, September 3, 2007
3-day weekend = time to paint.
There has been some time for silliness, though. I came across all kinds of things while cleaning out spaces to get ready for painting.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Crystal Necklace.
In a corner tucked away from the rest of the group was a woman who had all sorts of antique jewelry. I bought the necklace below from her because I really loved the little spacer crystals between each cystal bead. The necklace was in sad shape and it had obviously been restrung at least once before with some sort of waxy twine. I took it apart, cleaned the crystals, and restrung it, while adding my own little touches: a heart clasp and a silver chain extender with a crystal dangle.
I absolutely love how it turned out.
I'm off to Home Depot to buy paint. Enjoy your holiday weekend!