I'm back from a whirlwind weekend in New York. Mark and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary last November. We had planned to spend a weekend in Chicago this summer doing all the tourist stuff to celebrate. Two weeks ago Mark found out he had to go to Stamford, Connecticut for training, so we decided to celebrate our anniversary in New York City instead!
We arrived in White Plains, NY late Friday night. Our flight was delayed, making our arrival even later than planned. We went straight to our hotel in White Plains and promptly went to sleep. Mark set the alarm a little too early (!) for the next morning, so we were on the move first thing.
We arrived at the
Milford Plaza by about 9:30 a.m. Here's a view from our window.

Our first stop: the
New York Public Library. The man at the hotel thought I was insane when I asked him for walking directions. He couldn't believe we wanted to see
the library. Am I crazy? Maybe. But I'd always wanted to see it and it was beautiful.

The gift shop wasn't open yet, so we decided to walk down 5th. That's when I remembered
Rebecca's recommendation to visit
Beads on Fifth! I remembered the location and we were in luck - we were really close to it! Well, Maybe Mark wouldn't see it as being lucky, but I sure did!

I bought several packages of sequins. Why? I don't know. I was feeling the sequin vibe at the time. They'd be great for bead embroidery. I also bought some 20 gauge sterling wire because I ran out of it while doing my
Silver Waves pieces. I could have spent more time (and $!) there. Thanks for the great suggestion, Rebecca!
Then it was back to the library so I could buy the
messenger bag.

Mark was happy we were finally able to leave the library and move on to Times Square.

Times Square was a lot of fun. So much to look at! By this time we were starving, so we went to
Charley O's for lunch.
This is where I'll leave off for now. It's time to get N. off to day camp. I have the day off today for doing laundry and the like. I'm hoping to work on a project or two as well. It was sort of nice to have a computer break for three days, so I think I'll extend that into the rest of today as well.
Before I go, one last picture of New York Public Library architecture.

Gosh - your photos are fantastic! It looks like you had perfect weather - great for walking around.
Can't wait to read more.... : )
Oh, you're so lucky! I was actually supposed to be in NYC this weekend, but opted not to, 'cause it was gearing towards a 36 hour, sleepless blur. Not my way of seeing the Big Apple... Oh, but that bead shop, I've heard of it. Thanks for posting a pic of the inside. Lucky girl! ;)
* I've got the exact same 'scrap booking' bag, xept the trimming on mine is purple!* LOL!
Thanks for stopping by and seeing my babies!
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