N. has suddenly decided that he wants to sew. I taught him how to back stitch so he could sew his own picture on wool felt. He had big plans for flowers, but then decided a square would be better until he had more practice.

When he was finished, he decided we should make it into a pillow.

Then he got busy sewing some turkeys. He cut the thumb off of a cotton glove, stuffed it, then sewed it back on. Then he stuffed the entire glove and sewed the bottom shut. He got tired of waiting on me to show him how to sew a button on (I was busy hand stitching his pillow together!) so he used makers to make the face and color the feathers.

He pointed out that he has finished two turkeys and I have yet to finish his
dog. And, I have a pattern, while he made his up! I know, I know. I'll finish it in between all the other projects he has me helping him with. He keeps me busy!
Speaking of being busy, two of my nephews will be back again to spend the night tonight and tomorrow. We're looking forward to playing with them... and then resting when they've gone back home!
Have a great weekend!