Last week N and I drove to Minnesota to visit my friend Andrea and her family in Minnesota. We had a great time. In fact, we were so busy having fun that I forgot to take photos most of the time. I did, however, take some of the
Minnesota Zoo.
Our first stop was the aquarium, where I saw my favorites:
sea dragons and

N was very excited to see a
lion fish in person after having written a report on it during the school year.

We saw a grizzly bear up close.

And N was very happy to have a chance to play with his friend C in the dirt, digging up dinosaur bones.

N and I decided our favorite exhibit was the
prairie dogs.

We stood and watched them for a good 20 minutes.

They were so entertaining that we wanted to take two or three of them home with us.
We also went to the pool, did some shopping, and ate a lot of great food. The best part was being able to stay for Andrea's daughter C's birthday party. N and C got along great. He really took her under his wing, playing with her at the park and reading to her in the afternoon. N is missing his pal today. And I'm missing mine.