Thank you for my new stocking, also known as my favorite birthday gift. You were right;
my previous stocking with the Mary Engelbreit design didn't suit me any more. I know I strongly hinted that I needed a new stocking...
maybe to the point of being annoying...but I really didn't expect you make me one. I love this new one so much.

I appreciate all the hours you spent backstitching when I know that is your least favorite part of making stockings.

I can't believe you even found a stocking that had beads in the design. And I like having a stocking with "Tina" as it somehow feels even more personal.

I can't believe how cute all the details are, especially the boy's boots.

Even though it's only October, the stocking is proudly on display. I'd like to leave it up all year!

Thanks, Mom. I'll treasure it always. You made this birthday truly special.
Love you,
(You can see others she's made for family members here, here, and here.)