Our day was spent doing a lot of this.

N. set his mind to riding his bike without training wheels. The three of us made many, many trips around the block. He still has a few problems with corners, but I see family bike rides in our future.
My first lilac bloomed. We bought this lilac bush last summer and had no idea what the flowers would look like. The man at the garden center thought it was a bush with double flowers. Looks like he was right.

I'm not ready for Sunday to be over yet.
I'm not ready for it to be over yet either! More Sunday please!
Oh - it looks like you've had a lovely day! You'll be able to go for family bike rides with N on his "big boy" bike soon! : )
I can't believe he's riding a two-wheeler - such a big kid!!! Your lilac is beautiful, too. Nothing has bloomed up here in the frozen tundra yet :(
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