N.: I used to not like blueberries, but now I do.
Me: Sometimes our tastes change as we get older. There are things I like now that I didn't like when I was a kid.
N.: Like what? Pears? Apples?
Me: Um...I don't know... I can't think of anything right now.
N., very serious: Because it was so long ago that you were a kid.
Right. Thanks for making me feel ancient.
Have I showed you this before? It's the first stamped silver bracelet I made while in Lisa Niven Kelly's class at Bead & Button. The saying is, "A book is like a garden carried in your pocket."
I'm going to go try to remember what it was like to be a kid so very long, long ago.

Ah yes. I remember when I was a young woman sooo long ago. I liked apples then. And I hung out in the garden alot. And there was this nice fella there named Adam. Yeah. It was a while ago.
I'm sure someday my kids will tell me just how old they think I am too! And you can tell N that I remember that I didn't like peas and squash and now I do!
Kids show no mercy. lol
sweet post:)
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