After a very nice Thanksgiving weekend during which we ate too much, spent time with our friends, celebrated our 12-year wedding anniversary, and put up the Christmas tree, we woke up to snow this morning. The snow reminded me that I wanted to show you what I made for the
my partner in the
2008 Blogger's Ornament Exchange.

I love making
beaded snowflakes for some reason. In this exchange, you send an ornament to one person, but receive one from someone else. I'll show you what I received after I take a picture of it.

Last night we went through our snow boots and found that none of N's fit him. I ordered a red pair for him online. Then I decided that I needed a new pair of boots, too. Mine are probably more than ten years old and they only come up to a little above the ankle. That means that here in Chicago I usually end up with more snow inside my boots than I'd like!

And then, because I had a $25 coupon, I made an impulse purchase.

I don't usually wear white shoes, so hopefully these won't seem too white to me.

They're whimsical and fun. And also easy to return if I don't like them in person.