My intentions to make beaded ornaments did not become a reality, so instead I am admiring a few on Etsy.

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas.
By adapting and building on the traditional Byzantine chain configuration, Scott creates unique collections of earrings, bracelets and necklaces, from three-sided Tripoli to the four-sided Quatrefoil to the five-sided Pentagon, plus innovative Organic designs, including fish, five- and six- pointed snowflakes, and a butterfly.The beginning of the book contains a strong focus on technique and basic skills. It also covers how to make your own jump rings!
Starved Rock State Park derives its name from a Native American legend of injustice and retribution. In the 1760s, Pontiac, chief of the Ottawa tribe upriver from here, was slain by an Illiniwek while attending a tribal council in southern Illinois. According to the legend, during one of the battles that subsequently occurred to avenge his killing, a band of Illiniwek, under attack by a band of Potawatomi (allies of the Ottawa), sought refuge atop a 125-foot sandstone butte. The Ottawa and Potawatomi surrounded the bluff and held their ground until the hapless Illiniwek died of starvation- giving rise to the name "Starved Rock."Here is a view from the top of the actual Starved Rock.