Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking an indefinite break.


Amber Leilani said...

will miss you and hope you come back soon...

LeeAnn said...

I'll look forward to when you come back!

Christina J. said...

Thanks, guys! At the moment, I need to devote more time to N and all of his activities--not to mention 5th grade homework! I hardly have time to make anything, let alone blog about it. I'll still be checking in on your blogs! :)

Katrin mdmB said...

Wishing you luck with the homework :) and hope you'll be crafting and blogging about it sooner than you think ;)

mamabeaks said...

I will miss you!

Yazmin said...

You sound like me! Hence, my sporadic blog posting...

Enjoy that homework! My friend says it's a doozy this year as well...

Andrea said...

I'll miss seeing your projects and finds. Enjoy your time with your boy.