Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chicago Craft Social.

I had the best time last night at the Chicago Craft Social in Evanston, Illinois, where crafters get together to make things and be social. So fun!

There were a variety of projects to choose from and snacks were available. My friend Christina and I were too busy making things to stop for snacks!

I saw on the list of projects that one of the tables would be making terrariums. I bought a container to make a terrarium more than a year ago, but never did it. I brought my container along just in case.

There were a variety of mosses and plants to choose from and even little animals to add. Here's a better picture of the inside.

Next I made a fleur de lis ornament taught by Simone of Craft Fancy. I saw people walking around with some sparkle and had to find out where they got it! I'm looking forward to visiting her shop.

After these projects, Christina and I met up and made paper owl collages.

I have one more project that I started, but need to finish at home. It involves chalkboard fabric, which I never even knew existed!

Now that we've checked it out, we decided we need to bring more people with us next time. We met a lot of great people and had a fantastic time. Can't wait to do it again!


Betty BeadBug said...

It sounds so fun!!!! I wish we had that here. ;-( Let me know about the next one so I can tell my nieces and my sister. They would love it!!

Betty BeadBug said...

p.s. I see another deer found it's way to your home.

Christina J. said...

Haha! I was hoping no one would notice that! ;)

iSew said...

That sounds like so much fun! And Evanston is one of my favorite towns in the US.

5orangepotaotes said...

What fun! I wish this part of Ohio would do something similar. They don't seem to be too crafty around here. Love the owl!
